One of the common health problems that women tend to face is either scanty periods or absence of periods. It is believed that due to the change in lifestyle, stress, and a wrong diet pattern, women suffer from menstrual problems. In this article, we will be writing about the foods to make your periods heavier.
To normalise your period flow, all you need to do is to eat the right foods, for example, adding iron-rich foods into your daily diet. On the other hand, you also need to be physically fit, as being fit and active also help in proper blood circulation throughout the body.
food to increase blood flow during periods So, ladies, regularise your periods and have a healthy flow by including these foods that you will need to consume at least a week before your period date.
Experts also state that you should consume these foods every day if you want to have a healthy period. So, take a look at these 13 foods that will help to make your periods heavier.
1. Beetroot
2. Spinach Juice
3. Chocolate
4. Jaggery
5. Dried Coconut
6. Sesame Seeds
7. Aloe Vera Juice
8. Unripe Papaya
9. Fenugreek Seeds
10. Pineapple
11. Cinnamon
12. Turmeric
13. Fennel Seeds
This vegetable is loaded with iron and other nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, manganese, folic acid, and fibre. Drinking beetroot juice every day can increase blood circulation and blood flow at the time of period [1] . It is seen that beetroot juice significantly increases the haemoglobin levels if drunk every day, which can ultimately make your periods heavier.
Spinach juice is also healthy, as this green leafy vegetable also has vitamin K. If you are someone suffering from scanty periods, consuming spinach will regulate your blood flow. Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin A, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc., all of which are important nutrients required for optimal health.
Chocolate helps women in a lot of ways. If you are a woman who has late periods, the chocolate can be consumed to induce your periods. It is because it has vitamins and minerals like iron, copper, protein, vitamin E, calcium, and other nutrients that help in regulating the blood flow during periods. Dark chocolate, in particular, is known to soothe menstrual pain.
Many of the old folks would suggest jaggery, as it is a heat-inducing food. When you consume jaggery, make sure you also drink coconut water, as the consumption of this food in excess may lead to stomach-related problems. Having jaggery will increase the blood flow during periods because it contains 11 mg of iron per 100 g which is 61 per cent of the RDI.
The fastest and the safest method to improve scanty period flow is consuming shredded coconut with jaggery. 100 g of coconut has 2.4 mg of iron. Combine both the powerful foods to make a pill. Swallow this pill every day to help increase the blood flow during the periods.
Sesame seeds contain a substantial amount of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and manganese. Combine sesame seeds and jaggery in a little bowl. This sweet treat can be consumed prior to your period date. Since both are heat-inducing foods, they will help regulate and increase blood flow. You can also swallow the seeds with water and chew on a small piece of jaggery along with that.
Aloe vera juice is considered to be the safest and most effective drink you can consume to regulate scanty period. It manages to regulate the hormones that cause menstruation, both in the case of amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. Aloe vera juice provides powerful antioxidants, and contains iron, copper, zinc, manganese, etc. While preparing the juice, add one tablespoon of honey to enhance its taste.
Unripe papaya is another food that will help deal with irregular periods. It regulates menstrual flow by helping to contract the muscle fibres in the uterus. Papaya should be consumed twice in a day, and alongside this heat-inducing food, you should also drink plenty of coconut water to prevent the body from heating up too much. Papaya contains essential minerals like copper, zinc, manganese, etc.
If you are experiencing problems related to menstruation and dealing with menstrual pain, consuming fenugreek seeds is advised.
Boil a cup of water and add one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to it. Drink this water during your periods. This healthy drink will put to rest a lot of other problems too, apart from treating irregular periods.
Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and manganese. It is also a very good source of copper, vitamin B1, folate, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid. These nutrients help to contract the uterus, thus helping to bring your period back to its normal state as well as improve the blood flow.
Cinnamon is used for treating irregular periods and the results from a study[2] found that it helped regulate menstrual cycles and it worked as an effective treatment for women with PCOS. Cinnamon is a warm spice and due to its warming effect on the body, it is very effective in regulating menstrual cycles and balancing hormones.
Turmeric is another home remedy for increasing blood flow during periods. The spice is helpful in regulating menstruation and balancing hormones due to its warming effect on the body. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and antispasmodic properties that also help in relieving menstrual pain.
Fennel seeds are effective in boosting menstrual cycles and belong to the category of emmenagogue herbs that help to stimulate and normalise the menstrual flow. Apart from this, they help in relieving painful menstrual cramps due to their antispasmodic properties. Add two teaspoons of fennel seeds in a glass of water and keep it overnight. The next morning, strain it and drink it.